Hard as nails game designer 2010 - 2018. Now I run a fictional combat league (as you do). Nobody beats the 83457 and all that.

Break stuff (QA)

Hell, Northern Ireland

Joined on 3/10/08

Exp Points:
61,748 / 100,000
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10.04 votes
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Mad Nadia by @L3ny

Time lapse- https://youtu.be/D50-alWOY4g

Our MMA friend here is pretty tough, this taunt would be accurate any other day. Unfortunately for her, I HAVE ENTERED THE ARENA!

#short version- https://youtube.com/shorts/g36rvbrcMr0

Stage by @Kolumbo

Voiced by @Jazzy666

Music borrowed from someone (who got cancelled) from a wrestling promotion (that went out of business ages ago) so it's fine, I'm sure.

Don't think I've ever officially introduced you to the portrait artist for these.


Nakvi by @Nakvi

Might as well do it now for no reason (/ to help explain no joke) in particular.




Here're today's titularly mandated shout-outs.



Spiders Bunny and Jane Pain but also Spiders Bunny by @rurusilly

I love Spiders' cute >.< face, I love Jane's awkward little peace sign juxtaposed by her standing confidently with her foot up on what I assume is a pile of battered opponents, and last but not least, how could we forget Spiders!?


Jane Pain (& some others, whatever) by @Drawvin

This is from almost a year ago but I only noticed it last week! One of the many phantom notifications I've received over the years, no doubt. Speaking of which-


Loads of my characters (& some others, whatever) by @Nebulate

Saw all these when they were originally posted to the oc plaza but how the hell did I miss all four uploads? I always say this site is falling apart, in regards to notifications, but maybe the same could be said about me (no maybe about it).



Jain Pain again by Gib (Twitter)

Because some people on Twitter aren't useless pretentious whiney dickheads! Best not to immediately think the worst of people, you should really try to work on that.


Betty in her Chandler costume by @SomeDoodles

I'm not talking to Doodles anymore, we got in a fight-

Did something similar with @Daysdove last year when I found out this "Art Fight" everybody's always going on about doesn't include any actual fighting!

You have two weeks to get me in the oc arena before I'm busy with the midsummer rumble... which also doesn't involve any fighting. Or it does when I do it but whatever.

Might as well mention combatober while we're on the topic. Here's the latest one-

In other news, I joined this collab-

Here are mine-

And I got a commission this week-

Yes, I do commissions!

Sort of...


In other other news, I bought Sekiro... but it makes my PS4 overheat so I've been playing this instead (ironically enough).



This will almost certainly be the jankiest ass game I ever recommend. I'll put it this way, you press triangle to use a health kit. Yeah, she uses it but it doesn't actually friggin' heal you! (Update: This is intentional, you have to rescue a doctor to upgrade health kits to heal +1 instead of zero... A doctor didn't appear in my game until I'd already completed it.)

This and MANY other issues aside (and, as I say, I'm on PS4, fuck knows what state the Steam version's in), I'm still recommending it. We're on Newgrounds, on @53xy83457's page at that (not that my games had any glitches, they were just crimes against humanity anyway (for example I also would've intentionally done the health kit thing)). Point is, deal with it, pussy!

Previous shout-out posts:

Basically Betty - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1272506

Jane brings the Pain - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1344161

Jane Pain again - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1350335

Jane Pain train - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1353732

Meet Michelle - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1358123

Mitched bag - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1361125

Jill Spill - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1364463

Super Starving Sisters - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1368226

Fights, collabs, fights & fights - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1372788

Literally one friggin' picture - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1376239

Forget me, twat - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1379910

Too many artists (please eliminate 3) - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1383393

One that made you uncomfortable - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1386595

Marsha Law & Violent Lin (Violin) - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1390819

One more thing - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1394947

Premature celebration - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1398010

Pumpkin Batch - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1401231

Spanks & Killing - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1404444

References - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1407272

Boxing Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1410706

Janeuary - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1414691

3 Fictional Fighting Things - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1417977

Cat - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1421243

Late St. Valentine's Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1424426

Early St. Paddy's Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1428013

834573R - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1433203

Bussy - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1436690

Birth/Earth Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1439822

Deviants - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1443358

Go Kart Yourself - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1447025

Comb(unny)o Breaker - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1450775

Race Wars - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1454340

Mitch, Please! - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1457939

More here-


Latest Art


Collaboration Opportunity

I can make your characters do stuff

Hello! I program stuff. Since I don't like videogames anymore (maybe I never did considering the things I've done to them), I've been feckin' around with stuff to put on YouTube (despite their best efforts). Here are some examples-

-Battle Royale Simulations

-One on One (OoO) Fights

-Drag Races

I'm aware these projects appear to have digressed in complexity as time went on but maybe that's for the best! There are a load of really good artists and animators here and I want to work with you to make something truly friggin' stupid!

As I say, you supply the characters (or whatever) and I can make them interact (or whatever). They don't even have to kill each other! Although I might need some help with alternate ideas on that one.

If it's anything like the rumbles, it could even lead to a daily top four!

...though I shan't make such lofty promises.

Let me know if you're interested.

AND ALSO if you're a flash animator who could help with said rumbles.

Alternatively, background artists see here- https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1524979#bbspost27855986_post_text

Musicians see here-



Commissions Open (sort of)

Chicken - $1


NEW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boss Chicken - $10 (limited)

You get to take part in a turn-based fight to the death against the comment section.

Sponsor a Cock Fight (not like that) - $1 (limited)

SAL will give you a shout-out, including an additional sentence to promote whatever you'd like, at the start of that video's fight summary. She can also display your profile picture, company logo, etc.


Ultra Lad - $2


Chicken GIF (surprise) - $3.50


Ultra Lad GIF (surprise) - $5


Chicken GIF (custom) - $7.50 +$1 per additional chicken (unless it's just a generic one for a punching bag)


Ultra Lad GIF (custom) - $10 +$2 per additional Ultra Lad (dummy is free)


GIFs limited to 10 seconds.

Payment accepted through Paypal or Ko-fi.

Best PM me first til I see if it's feasible with the 5-10 pixels at my disposal.

Here are a few more compiled examples-

Later ones will appear here with the more interesting ones going here.


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