Seems like a popular subject lately. Maybe just confirmation bias (and/or the fact that I look at literally everything that goes through the art portal). Regardless, have a few people I wanted to shout out.
This all started here...
...and also Facemaul which you liked more but I don't really give a crap about it). At this stage, I was getting tired of all the pixelated nonsense, which brings us to-
Now I've worked with some complete dickheads on this site. Anyway, here's Chutney Glaze's take on the character.
I'm joking of course! Or not about the first bit but Chutney has been nothing but professional. See her in action here-
Also, whatever bullshit I decide to do on YouTube.
Held an event recently where he did free commissions in return for donations to charity. The main reason I'm making this post since I don't believe these have ever seen the light of day-
She's friggin' lost it! The main image struck me as a boss straight out of Final Fight, Streets of Rage, and the like. Like I told the man himself, this is all a compliment as I do enjoy the occasional fight (believe it or not).
UPDATE: He did something similar recently so I got a Damian.
UPDATE 2: He was in a spot of bother so I got the following as well. Help him out for once after all the stuff he's done for charity.
Quite possibly the first person to ever put one of my characters in their art (it was one of his awesome big ass murals he does). Through my twisted sense of morality, I felt I owed him one for something unrelated so I got a few commissions off him while I was at it.
UPDATE: On the subject of the big ass murals.
Also this.
Last but not least (first, in fact). I know very little of this mysterious fellow. I needed a pic for Combo Concept Compo 4, I asked into the void, he emerged and delivered in no time.
No more Bettys but while I'm spreading the love-
@LucianoZ, @Anonymous-Frog and @UnluckyToonLinkNG have done more than their fair share of art featuring my characters.
@Crowsar honours me (as in I feel honoured, not the douchey way to take that statement) by using the Project Pixkill style alongside some of his art despite being a far superior (actual) pixel artist.
UPDATE: He also did Project Chixkill recently.
@CootieGirl did that boss ass pic of me recently. Also she came back from the dead the other day which is nice.
Thank you all.
(No, I'm not dying.)
Already mentioned Scepter's latest above.
Also @Wrathmations for being the only gangsta to finish his entry for the ill-fated dummy collab.
And finally, @SoloSwing64 for this masterpiece.
Was surprised when Scepter did two but THREE!! This image is of course now cursed but thanks anyway.
Might as well also mention this playlist that I stick everything in.
Thanks again to everybody, it means a lot.
(No, still not dying.)
P.S. One more. Here's a silly one from YouTube-
UPDATE: There are TOO many good artists here since that Tumblr thing (or whatever it was). Like I said, I look at everything so of course I've ended up commissioning another few Bettys. I'll list them below as they come in.
by (grouped together because if there's a picture limit on these, I must be rubbing up against it).
This one was a Secret Santa gift.
And this one was an art trade because I'm an artist.
Got a free one from StarPastiche on DeviantArt as well.
Visited the OC plaza yesterday to post a gif of someone's character beating the crap out of someone. Stuck Betty in there while I was at it.
by @Blaznthekid
The following were from the art forums in general. Everybody's been giving away free stuff recently for whatever reason.
by @mugmugmug
Same again. Never you mind who Kicky is, we'll get to her later.
From Stormy's V Day sale. Never mind who Punchy is, we'll get to her later.
(oh shit, I have in fact reached the picture limit now)
See current profile page banner by
And here-
And here-
Of course we all know who the opponent is now.
Also this. I know, I don't care, she's friggin' identical.
Stuck her into the Barhopping Collab recently too. Seemed appropriate.
Some love for the new girl while we're at it. (newER girl)
And here's the dummy again. Weird seeing him smile for once, he's always really glum for some reason.
One more.
Alright this post is a mess now. Think she appears in a few more along with Jane. See the latest shout-out posts for those.
Uhhhhhhhhhh shit nice brother .