Hard as nails game designer 2010 - 2018. Now I run a fictional combat league (as you do). Nobody beats the 83457 and all that.


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of Rock

Hell, Northern Ireland

Joined on 3/10/08

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Shout-outs 32: Mitch, Please!

Posted by 53xy83457 - July 7th, 2024

#short version - https://youtube.com/shorts/bGKwrHnr9zY

You'll recognise Chelsea by @BroSkullEmoji in this one. But still animated by @ChutneyGlaze obviously... apart from the dialogue portrait by @Nakvi. She was voiced by @Non-NewtonianKirbo unlike Betty, and everybody else, who were voiced by @Jazzy666 as usual... Background by @PerKGrok, music and Copper by @ConnorGrail while we're mentioning EVERYBODY!


Edwina by @rurusilly

Let's not forget about poor old Ed. She got done dirty since her usual sponsor's credit card expired. Maybe you could help her out by

Join The Rumbles Here!

But enough about that, first thing third, I'll be talking about @TheShokBlok's Games of the Munchies so read them below to avoid SPOILERS!

(don't worry, it's mostly pictures just like the books you're used to)

There was also supposed to be another One on One (OoO) fight but I fell asleep at work three times this week (not a joke) and couldn't be arsed. On to the races then-

#short version - https://youtube.com/shorts/jXaKewcZOKc

(here's how yt fucked it up this time)

Speaking of our feline (fascist) friend here-


Snowy by @whimsical-wife

This was part of a post titled drawing your oc poorly but I think it looks really cute and stylised. For example here's what happened the last time I drew a cat-

I basically programmed the damned thing. Eye: 100px by 100px. Pupil: decrease width to 20px. Duplicate 20px across. Nose: 20px by 10px directly centered, etc. Whatever the case, thank you, @whimsical-wife (since I didn't say it in the forum (and it's probably too late now)).

Posted this last week since apparently I couldn't be arsed programming any fights then either. It's an extended version of one of Chutney's from Junior and Waddles' One on One.

That very nicely brings us to

Final GOTM Spoiler Warning

Betty (of all people) made a friend.


"There's something about being a girl with a baseball cap and bat that really almost but then doesn't pay off in these things."


Betty & Kai about to fuck some shit up by @BargonSpaceman!


Betty & Kai fucking some shit up by @BargonSpaceman (at the skatepark of course, what did you think they meant?)

(alternate, more literal, second panel but I'll save these limited image slots for somebody else)

I'm going to stop now before Betty says something to ruin it. Feels like only yesterday she couldn't be left unattended for five minutes without starting a fight with somebody... That was actually today but still, seeing her having fun with a friend, I think she's truly turned over a new leaf...


53xyTEMBER Michelle by @L3ny

It appears that Mitch, on the other hand, hasn't changed a fucking bit!

Speaking of... no, there's no segue, she derailed the whole post! Let's just finish Eddy's set of commissions.


Damey by @rurusilly

Who you're all more than familiar with by now, I'm sure. Not necessarily this one but whatever.


Blinki by @rurusilly

As you probably saw, this one's male counterpart appeared as a special guest star in Smiling Friends. Yeah, not really but when I see an eyeball with a crown and a pink pupil (can't remember the link but I definitely gave them a pink pupil once) this is who I think of.


JD joins The Crew by @DoctorSpectre

Here's also all, if not almost all, the variations so we're not bothering the good doctor for a forth fortnight in a row.


ALL the Gangstas by @DoctorSpectre

Oh shit, that's it already... AGAIN!!


It was Salad Fingers' birthday, I can stick something in for that, I suppose.

This just in, it's Nebulate's birthday! Fuck off, Salad Fingers!

Happy birthday @Nebulate!

A couple of more recent ones (birthday related or otherwise)-

But as for anything else, that's the limit. Got fan (or whatever) art out the ass this past few weeks apparently. So, similar to how Neb has approached one year closer to death, that's all the time we have for now.

Previous shout-out posts:

Basically Betty - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1272506

Jane brings the Pain - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1344161

Jane Pain again - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1350335

Jane Pain train - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1353732

Meet Michelle - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1358123

Mitched bag - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1361125

Jill Spill - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1364463

Super Starving Sisters - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1368226

Fights, collabs, fights & fights - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1372788

Literally one friggin' picture - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1376239

Forget me, twat - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1379910

Too many artists (please eliminate 3) - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1383393

One that made you uncomfortable - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1386595

Marsha Law & Violent Lin (Violin) - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1390819

One more thing - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1394947

Premature celebration - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1398010

Pumpkin Batch - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1401231

Spanks & Killing - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1404444

References - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1407272

Boxing Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1410706

Janeuary - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1414691

3 Fictional Fighting Things - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1417977

Cat - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1421243

Late St. Valentine's Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1424426

Early St. Paddy's Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1428013

834573R - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1433203

Bussy - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1436690

Birth/Earth Day - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1439822

Deviants - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1443358

Go Kart Yourself - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1447025

Comb(unny)o Breaker - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1450775

Race Wars - https://53xy83457.newgrounds.com/news/post/1454340

More here-




I diddnt expect to be wished a happy b-day here out of all places. Thanks alot! :D