Borrowed one of Betty's scorecards, I'm sure she won't mind, not like she ever learned to fill it in properly anyway.
With this year's Christmas project wrapped up (ba dum ts), I've been dicking around with Patreon. There are loads of fun new games OF DEATH lined up for January but I though we could make the remaining Rumbles and Frag Races of 2024 a bit more competitive (before everybody's too drunk and depressed to care).
The plan was to offer prizes but that's dangerously close to a raffle, which is against the terms of service for paid members, so let's just say something cool happens every time somebody's representative reaches a marked number of wins... Something cool happens anyway because these are fight simulations and not fucking tombolas but it's fine! I'm happy good old trustworthy Patreon is here to keep me on the straight and narrow.
Hopefully you'll consider joining anyway, who knows what other ideas I come up with! (some of them might even be legal)
(As always, musicians, artists and musicians get in for free!)