The following are prompts for a self inflicted art challenge and possible animation collab. Please follow the links below for details and then return here if you'd like to take part.
Art challenge -
Animation collab -
(pick the second one if you can't decide)
More traditional prompts now added-
(the only rule is, have fun, try not to overthink this)
Fighting style: Muay Thai
Move name: Elbow Surgery
Combatant: Jane Pain -
Description: Jane climbs onto the opponent and repeatedly elbows them on the top of the head. My version has an additional taunt at the end but I'll leave any extra flourishes to your own imagination.
Fighting style: Boxing
Move name: Planet Cracker
Combatant: Jill / Lisa - /
Description: Jill (as demonstrated below but I'll probably give this to Lisa and use Jill later) uppercuts the opponent into the air and punches them so hard when they fall back down that the sleeve burst off her hoodie.
Fighting style: Jeet Kune Do
Move name: Brucie Bonus
Combatant: Marsha Law -
Description: O'Hara stomp from Enter The Dragon (demonstrated below with someone else's character).
Fighting style: (your choice)
Move name: (your choice)
Combatant: (your choice)
Description: For if I've missed your favourite fighting style. Mentioning it at this early stage to again help emphasis the openness of this open challenge.
My version: (n/a)
Fighting style: Karate*
Move name: Shoto fuck yourself
Combatant: Lin Yin -
Description: Spin kick, jumping uppercut, double palm strike as they fall back down.
My version: (See 6.2)
Fighting style: Karate**
Move name: Homerun Hadouken
Combatant: Karate Betty -
Description: Says something that I don't want to break canon by giving Lin a fireball but I don't care about the baseball bitch launching once. I'll make it baseball themed somehow.
Fighting style: Karate*****!!!
Move name: Raging Demoness
Combatant: Violent Lin -
Description: Literally just Akuma's Shun Goku Satsu. Subtlety clearly isn't my forte, considering vanilla Lin's is currently the most boring one on the list, so here we are.
Fighting style: Judo
Move name: Judo fuck yourself
Combatant: Lin Yin -
Description: Ended up giving vanilla Lin (vanilina) judo since Betty stole her thunder. Tomoe nage into one of Abel's from SF4. Looked more interesting if she locked a limb so snapped his wanking arm for good measure.
Fighting style: Baseball bat
Move name: (n/a)
Combatant: Betty T. Baseball Bitch -
Description: I already did over thirty of these in the process of creating her so I'll just link to those from the character select screen. See below for inspiration.
Fighting style: Tag-team
Move name: Skate Bark
Combatant: Betty T. Baseball Bitch & Kai Asahi
Description: Ended up doing an unrelated tag-team gif so might as well stick it here. Click below to see how Betty made friends with BargonSpaceman's OC... or anyone for that matter.
Fighting style: MMA
Move name: Ground & Pound Town
Combatant: Mad Nadia -
Description: Mounted punches. Might only be one in my case, sprites don't really bend that way. Will probably punch the dummy's face right the fuck in to make up for it.
Fighting style: Lucha Libre
Move name: Pain Bow
Combatant: La Tormenta (The Storm) -
Description: Jumping death valley driver, probably with an arc to match the name. Or I'll rename it to pain drop, whatever. UPDATE: Might do an arcing frankensteiner instead and save the above for our next wrestler if I screw her's up.
My version: Doing multiple based on a taunt meter or something, can't be arsed right now.
Fighting style: Dirty
Move name: Curby Stomp
Combatant: Curby -
Description: She jumps onto a downed opponent's back and American History Xs the back of their skull, breaking teeth in the process.
Fighting style: Kickboxing
Move name: Fear Circus
Combatant: JD -
Description: I'll maybe just do her (reverse) namesake's dread carnival, finishing with one of his multi-hit uppercuts. Resulted in a completely unfitting move name but let's leave it and see what direction it sends people in (if they take the challenge from there without reading this of course).
Fighting style: Taekwondo
Move name: Judge, Jury & Executioner
Combatant: Spiders - (the bunny)
Description: Just ripping off Street Fighter again. Juri's from SF4.
My version: Might skip, did the other rabbit
Fighting style: Taekwondo
Move name: Unlucky Rabbit's Foot
Combatant: Beetles -
Description: Kick opponent into the air, (bunny) hop off them while airborne, land a big ass axe kick or something to finish. Update: Did something like that, it looked shite so here's a simplified version-
Fighting style: Ballet
Move name: Frère Jackass
Combatant: Helena Gaultier -
Description: Combo of ballet looking kicks. Maybe she lands on them and pirouettes on their face or something.
Fighting style: Ninjitsu (I guess)
Move name: Kombo
Combatant: Immoral Combatant / Combabe (/ Immoral Kombatant / Kombabe) - /
Description: A selection of the Mortal Kombat ninja's special moves.
Fighting style: Professional Wrestling
Move name: Beaver Buster
Combatant: Captain Canada -
Description: With a move name like that, guess I'll try and animate a Kinniku buster.
Fighting style: Capoeira
Move name: Cheap Kicks
Combatant: Crispy Montgomery -
Description: Kick combo in the spirit of Eddy's recent one button win streak using a bot on Twitch.
Fighting style: Kyusho Jitsu (apparently, just googled it)
Move name: Tai Lunge
Combatant: Snowy -
Description: She stabs through the opponent with her claws resulting in several subsequent hits from Gen style pressure point bollocks.
Fighting style: Boxing
Move name: Knock brains out
Combatant: Jill / Lisa
Description: Exactly what it says on the tin.
Fighting style: Gun
Move name: Gun
Combatant: Waddles -
Description: She takes out a gun and shoots the fuck out of the opponent.
// It's at this point you might notice the term "fighting style" getting used especially loosely. Maybe should have made it a fifteen day challenge when I changed the tag but whatever, I'm here now.
Fighting style: Magic user
Move name: Magic abuser
Combatant: Mitch / Junior -
Description: They shoot magic beams at the opponent transforming them into something with each blast.
Fighting style: Mutant
Move name: Mega B.L.I.N.K.Y.
Combatant: Blinki / Blinky - /
Description: They mutate into an even bigger eyeball which shoots a beam.
Fighting style: Cyborg
Move name: Kristanna Choken
Combatant: The 53-X -
Description: Grab by throat and electrocute with robot arm until they explode or whatever.
Fighting style: Gorgon
Move name: Stoner
Combatant: Antagonist from unreleased project, Gogon F**k Yourself. Let's just say Medusa. -
Description: Turns them to stone. Have an idea about about them returning to normal and gasping for breath but will probably just smash them.
Fighting style: Clown
Move name: Killer Klown Calamity
Combatant: Wanko / Twisty - /
Description: Smack into cannon. Cannon explodes.
Fighting style: Advanced technology
Move name: Probational Period
Combatant: Al (as in AL short for Alien, not Artificial Intelligence) -
Description: Smacks opponent into a beam of light which beams them up. Eventually they fall back down looking worse for wear.
Fighting style: I don't know, summons
Move name: Sydney Shark
Combatant: Nicky Taylor -
Description: A shark bursts through the floor and mauls the opponent. Crocodile more appropriate but I already know I can draw a shark.
Fighting style: Halloween horror
Move name: Vine Boom
Combatant: Pumpkin Batch -
Description: Launches vines towards the opponent which tangle them and drag them into the ground. They then get launched back up with an explosion of hellfire.
Fighting style: Moth style
Move name: Moth Diver
Combatant: Mothy -
Description: Thought of something more unique. She either knocks the opponent over before flying high into the air or takes them along for the ride before dropping them. From a Mothy's eye view she moves her foot over the distant adversary, as if stepping on a pesky bug, before dive bombing down on top of them.
(Previously: Can't remember if I've even drawn her yet but would like to think of something for her, she's cute. Grab, fly into air, piledriver or something.)
Fighting style: Cheap SNK final boss
Move name: Devil Driver
Combatant: Damian / Damianne -
Description: Ignites flames towards the opponent sending them skyward. Jumps up to meet them and lands an izuna drop onto the flames causing an explosion.
Fighting style: Muay Thai*
Move name: Jawrmageddon
Combatant: Jain Pain AGAIN!!
Description: Uppercut opponent into the air and follow them up with a knee to the jaw. Have done this before but there's more to it this time...
Fighting style: Dead end job
Move name: Apex Trigger
Combatant: (n/a)
Description: Meant to do something with this sooner but might as well include it here. Recently found out there's an accounting software used in my office called Apex Trigger! Why's it named after a limit break from Final Fantasy!? Anyway, I was going to create a character, probably a cute lady in business attire, and give them an inappropriately over the top finisher to match the name.